Name Type Description
Id integer

App Id

Name string

App Name

PrimaryCategory string

"Books", "Business", "Catalogs", "Education", "Entertainment", "Finance", "Food & Drink", "Health & Fitness", "Lifestyle", "Medical", "Music", "Navigation", "News", "Photo & Video", "Productivity", "Reference", "Social Networking", "Sports", "Travel", "Utilities", "Weather"

SecondaryCategory string

Same Choices from Primary Category, but MUST be Different

Keywords string

Comma Seperated Values used when searching the AppStore. Must have 2 characters, do not include copyrighted or trademarked terms

Copyright string

Owner of the Copyright to the app. Ex: 2016 YourAppNameOrCompany

SupportEmail string
SupportSite URI
LargeIcon URI
Additional Info :

Needed for Private App Store

Icon URI
Territories Collection of string

List of All Territories where your app is distributed. Default: WorldWide A List of All Possible Selections is available

StoreUrl URI

Url To AppStore Listing. Not Set Until the App's Build Status is "Live"

SplashImage URI

Url of Splash Image to show on startup, preferably atleast 640x960

Additional Info :

Needed for Private App Store

Phone string

Phone Number for Apple Review board contact information, not displayed publicly

RequiresLoginInfo boolean

Used if your site has restricted access content. Used by Apple Reviewers to login and test your App

SiteUserName string

Dummy User account you created for Apple Reviewer to test.

SitePassword string

Password for Dummy User for Apple Reviewer to Login with

VersionName string

Usually Major.Minor.Version AutoIncremented after Successful build.

VersionNumber integer

AutoIncremented after Successful build, but optionally user customized

BundleId string

Current Bundle Id (Unique Identifier used by Apple)